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Missoula Location Address

510 South 5th Street W.
Missoula, MT 59801

Session Dates - Enroll Within Any Trimester


​Additional Hours:

The first week of classes begin with The Power of Touch - 21 Hours

Assessment, Treatment Planning & Documentation with Student Clinic Hours - 21 Hours and

Student Clinic - 52 Hours, begin in students second Trimeseter. 


750 hours

Total Cost:  $14,444.00


Cost of Tuition includes:


- All text books, workbooks

- Massage table package 

- Rolling stool 

- 4 sets of massage table linens

- 4 twin size blankets

- Massage Cupping set

- Reiki Level I Certification

- Hot Springs Soak

- Exam Coach

- 5 Minute Muscles 

- Student Insurance through ABMP 

- Massage creams & oils

- All other in class supplies 

- FREE Liability insurance for first year as an LMT 



Books included in tuition:        Massage Mastery From Student To Professional

                                                   Trail Guild To The Body

                                                   Trail Guild To The Body Student Workbook

                                                   Trial Guild To The Body: Flash Cards Sets 1&2

                                                   Psychology Of The Body  

                                                   Applied Anatomy and Physiology For the Manual Therapist                                          

                                                   Subtle Body Practice Manual

                                                   A Massage Therapists Guild To Pathology

                                                   Ethics of Touch

                                                   Business Mastery 




Payment Options

Payment Option I

Full payment due at time of enrollment - $13,796.80 - 5% discount for paying full tuition at the time of enrollment.  Discount does not include cost of massage table, books, linens, insurance and supplies 


Payment Option II

$3,500 deposit at time of enrollment - followed by nine monthly payments of $1216.00 due the 1st of each month


Payment Option III

$3,500 deposit at time of enrollment - followed by twelve monthly payments of $912.00 due the 1st of each month​


Payment Option IV

$3,500 deposit at time of enrollment - followed by fifteen monthly payments of $729.60 due the 1st of each month


Payment Option V

$2,500 deposit at time of enrollment - followed by nine monthly payments of $1327.11 due the 1st of each month


Payment Option VI

$2,500 deposit at time of enrollment - followed by twelve monthly payments of  $995.33 due the 1st of each month


Payment Option VII

$2,500 deposit at time of enrollment - followed by fifteen monthly payments of $796.26 due the 1st of each month


Payment Option VIII

$2,500 deposit at time of enrollment - followed by eighteen monthly payments of $663.55 due the 1st of each month


Payment Option IX

$2,500 deposit at time of enrollment - followed by twentyfour monthly payments of $497.66 due the 1st of each month


*Each individual will receive a payment contract upon enrollment and receipt of deposit, detailing the specifics of the individuals payment plan based on the chosen payment option. *Depoit is due upon enrollment acceptance to ensure your place in class.  


* Transcripts will not be released until tuition is fully paid off.


Not Included In Tuition


Massage and Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBLEx)                       $265

Montana State Massage License                                                    $140

Additional class time, tutoring, and/or Make-up Exam               $45/hour 

Note paper and pencil

Application Process

The application can be found online via our website, by clicking Apply Here.  All prospective students are encouraged to set up a time to look at the school and meet the Educational Director.  Once the application is received and reviewed, the applicant will be notified via e-mail of acceptance into the program.  Student will only be accepted into the trimester applying for if space is available.   Max class size is 16 students. 


Additional Documentation  

-Each individual must be of 18 years of age or older to apply.

-2 letters of recommendation must be submitted along with the application.  (From current educators, past educators, past or previous employers)

-Verification of self.  Proof provided by drivers license, photo ID, or passport.  (Due at time of enrollment)


* If applicant is not yet 18 at time of enrollment, and is able to provide all additional documentation, a parents release form may be signed at the time of enrollment.  The student must be 18 at the time of graduation, as it is a mandatory requirement when applying for State Licensure.  


Once accepted into the program, deposit is due to hold your space in the program, no later than 30 days from start date.  Space is limited, deposit will ensure your placement in the current session.


*Sacred Roots provides equal opportunity for admission and access to programs or activities regardless of race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, economic standing or handicap disability, unless such a handicap is determined by a medical authority to render an individual unfit physically, medically, or psychologically.

Massage School of Montana Distance Learning

Holistic Based Massage Education.

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