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Distance Learning Massage Therapy Certification Program

Apply Anytime During The Year.
Begin With Any of the Three Live Intensives. 
Take Two Full Year
s to Complete.

Next Live Intensive - Missoula, December 5-16, 2024
71 Hours of Online Classes Must Be Complete to Attend the First Live Intensive. 


Tell Me More

Join us at your leisure! 

We are elated to be offering a full 750 hour massage certification program, allowing you to move at your own pace through the content.  Students can enroll anytime throughout the year, and have two full years to complete all online and live hands on hours.  

This program is designed for:

- Those who work full time

- Those who live in rural areas and cannot relocate for education

- Those who need more time to complete the full 750 hours of education 

- Those who prefer the comfort of home to learn in    


Students will move through all lecture based content online, watching and listening to pre-recorded lectures, completing homework assignments, quizzes and projects.  Prior to enrollment, students will be responsible for finding an LMT to work with them as a mentor, as they move through the duration of the program.  Sacred Roots Massage School of Montana will offer three live intensives each year, where the live hands on hours will be completed.   

What Is The Cost?

The total cost of the online program is $9,105.00

The Cost Includes:

- 252 live hands on hours

- 360 online hours

- All text books and classroom supplies

- Massage Cupping Set 

- Online support, communication, and zoom Q & A circles

- Mentorship Communication 

- Online assignment grading 

- Exam Coach Study Platform 

- 5 Minute Muscles Study App

- Student Insurance 

Not included in the tuition is:

- Cost of mentorship ~ Approximately $4,095.00

- Massage Table & Linens ~$400.00-$800.00

- EMBLEx $265.00

- Cost of licensing in Montana $140.00

Does Sacred Roots Massage School Offer Payment Plans?


Payment Plan I - Payment in Full 5% discount $8649.75

Payment Plan II - $2500.00 Deposit followed by 12 montly payments of $550.41

Payment Plan III - $2500.00 Deposit followed by 15 monthly payments of $440.33

Payment Plan IV - $2500.00 Deposit followed by 18 monthly payments of $366.94

Tuition must be paid in full for transcripts to be released.  Transcripts are needed for licensure.

What Do I Need To Know About The Mentorship?

Prior to applying, individuals are encouraged to team up with an LMT to mentor with throughout the duration of the program. Mentors will also need to apply, and are encouraged to have a minimum of three years experience practicing as a licensed massage therapist. Students will begin working with mentor after completion of the first Live Intensive. 

Students will spend a total of 138 hours with their mentor

- 20 hours of The Art of Massage II

- 20 hours of The Art of Massage III

- 15 hours The Art of Massage IV 

- 10 hours of Integration 

- 21 hours of Assessment, Treatment Planning & Documentation

- 52 hours of Student Clinic 

When Are The Live Intensive Hands On Hours?

The live hands on classes will be offered in three separate sessions, Summer Session, Winter Session, and Spring Session. Individuals can start learning within any live session.  Each session covers a total of 83 to 99 hours over the course of two weeks - two and half weeks, five days per week, with one full day off for integration and down time.  The live sessions will alternate between Missoula and Bozeman.  Dates and locations are subject to change with prior notice.    

Session Dates

Winter Intensive Dates: December 5-16, 2024 : in Missoula NO CLASS ON DECEMBER 11

​​Spring Intensive Dates : April 2025 in Bozeman 

Summer Intensive : August 2025 in Missoula 

Winter Intensive:  December 2025 in Bozeman 

How Long Do I Have To Complete The Program?

Once enrolled, students have two full years from the start date to comlete the full 750 hours of the program.  Each session will have required online hours that must be complete prior to attending in person session.     

What Can I Expect To Lean During The Live Intensive Hours?

Total Live Hours = 278 Hours 

Massage Thearapy Distance Learning Live Hour Breakdown
What Can I Expect to Learn Online?

The Science of Touch - 24 hours

Personal Development - 18 hours

Professional Development - 28 hours

Ethics of Touch - 12 hours

Structure, Foundation & Mechanics- 60 hours

The Art of Massage I - 6 hours

The Art of Massage IV - 14 hours

Assessment, Treatment Planning & Documentation - 9 hours

Spa Arts - 10 hours

Pathology & Physiology - 68 hours

Body Awareness -  11 hours

Psychology of the Body - 28 hours

Energy Medicine - 10 hours

Self Care - 16 hours 

Total Online Hours = 314 Hours 

* A total of 20 hours are at home practice hours to be logged * 

Can I Get Licensed In Other States With This Program?

We encourage you to check with other states educational requirements prior to applying.  This program follows educational requirements for the state of Montana.

Montana Licensing Requirements

500 Hours of Eduction

125 hours of instruction of body systems : Anatomy, Physiology & Kinesiology

200 hours of instruction in Massage & Bodywork Theory, Application & Assessment

40 hours of Pathology

10 hours of Ethics & Business

How Do I Apply?

You can apply directly through our website, or by clicking here.  

The LMT of your choosing will also need to apply for the Mentorship portion of the program.  The Mentorship application can be found here.  

When Can I Begin?

Once an application is approved, the applicant will be awarded an acceptance letter.  Upon acceptance into the online program, deposit is required.  When deposit is recieved, student will be given access to the online content, and can begin moving through the classes at ones own pace.  

Massage School of Montana Distance Learning

Holistic Based Massage Education.

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