750 Hour Therapeutic Massage Course
The Power of Touch - 21 hours
The Power of Touch explores the equipment used as a massage therapist, proper hygiene and sanitation, the foundation of massage, proper draping techniques, as well as proper body mechanics, and contraindications pertaining to massage therapy.
The Science of Touch - 12 hours
The Science of Touch is an overview of the history of massage, common diseases, understanding wellness, environmental considerations, self care, and foundation skills.
The Art of Massage I - 11 hours
The Art of Massage I is a review class, which helps students continue to practice proper draping techniques, as well as proper body mechanics.
Ethics of Touch - 12 hours
Ethics are important. Ethics of Touch explores the code of ethics, importance of confidentiality, informed consent, and discrimination. We will also learn the laws to licensure, regulations, state board requirements and expectations, and explore practical exams.
Structure, Foundation and Mechanics - 110 hours
The understanding of the structure, foundation and mechanics of the body is crucial to any good therapist. Anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology will be explored in this area of study.
Pathology & Physiology - 68 hours
Physiology explores the diversity of each body system, and what its roll in supporting the human body is. Pathology explores the science behind the cause and effects of different diseases that can effect the human body. Dive into what makes each system and disease unique and know when massage is safe or not with each particular disease.
The Art of Massage II - 82 hours
The Art of Massage II explores the teachings and techniques of a Swedish Massage. It is the foundation for any great massage, and teaches each student to give an amazing full body massage.
Personal Development - 18 hours
The Art of Massage III - 60 hours
In Personal Development, we will go over the therapeutic relationship we create with our clients, and learning the do's and do not's of having a professional and ethical relationship with our clients.
The Art of Massage III explores techniques in myofascial and deep tissue massage, neuromuscular and proprioceptive massage, as well as musculoskeletal injury massage.
The Art of Massage IV - 29 hours
Professional Development - 28 hours
The Art of Massage IIII explores conditions of chronic pain and massage for special populations, such as prenatal massage, infant massage, and geriatric massage.
The Art of Integration - 40 hours
Professional Development teaches us about the importance of personal space, active communication with our clients, reflecting, relating, and resolving conflicts in a positive manner.
Assessment, Treatment Planning and Documentation - 42 hours
The Art of Integration brings methods and insights into integrating the arts of bodywork and soft tissue manipulation in area specific regions of the body. Thoughout this class, students will begin to tie components of The Art of Massage II, The Art of Massage III, Eastern Modalities, Energy Medicine and Spa Arts together, to formulate treatment plans specific to each bodies needs.
Effectively assessing our clients, creating a treatment plan and properly documenting are importand in any wellness or healthcare massage given. Students will learn to do all of the above with competence and confidence .
Self Care - 16 hours
Spa Arts - 20 hours
Spa Arts explores aromatherapy, body wraps, salt glows, sugar scrubs, hot stone massage, reflexology and all the lovely additions spa services offer.
Self Care shares time for students to practice and maintain self care. Students will receive massage during this time, and take an afternoon trip to the local hot springs.
Introduction to Craniosacral - 18 hours
Body Awareness - 35 hours
Students will learn the concept of grounding oneself, proper breathing, and the ability to be centered and present in the moment through mindful movement and meditation.
Cranial Sacral Massage is a form of bodywork that uses gentle touch to manipulate the synarthrodial joints of the cranium. Light touch is can also be applied to the spine and pelvic bones. CST is effective in reducing symptoms of stress and tension.
Eastern Modalities - 20 hours
It is through the Deeper Workings of The Body we will explore eastern approaches and how they can be applied to massage therapy work. An understanding of the meridian systems, Ayurvedic doshas, elemental theory, Thai massage, shiatsu, and other eastern approaches will be gained.
Reiki Level 1 Certification - 8 hours
Reiki is an ancient Japanese technique used to reduce stress, release energetic imbalances, and improve overall energy of and in the body. Reiki is administered by laying the hands on the body in a sequence with grounded intension and awareness.
Energy Medicine - 20 hours
Energy medicine allows us to gain a greater understanding of the energetic approaches that can be applied to massage therapy, offering our clients a rooted, healing experience to their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well being through a safe, gentle and non-invasive application of energetic touch.
Psychology of The Body - 28 hours
With the human body being so intricate in mind, body, spirit, it is important to understand how our emotions, thoughts and feelings affect others, and how others thoughts and feelings can also be transferred back to us. Being aware of characteristic structure patterns and armoring, as well as emotional release and how to properly guild a client if these issues and patterns present themselves is important to any massage therapists practice.
Student Clinic - 52 hours
Student Clinic is a time for students to share their skills with the public, while still under the direction of an instructor. Clinics take place in a professional and comfortable setting, opening time up to the community to receive the benefits of all the dedication and hard work our students have given to their study and practice of the healing arts. Clinic hours will help bring confidence and knowledge to each student, through the hands on application of massage and bodywork to a wide variety of conditions and body types.