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Apply to the Program

Thank you for your interest in Sacred Roots Massage School of Montana. It is the mission of Sacred Roots Massage School of Montana to create competent and compassionate massage therapists who are ready and able to serve their communities through the healing power of touch.  We instill the deep sacredness, innate wisdom, and diverse knowledge of the healing arts into each heart and mind that is ready to root into the fertile soil of self awareness and personal growth.  Through out the 750 hour course, each student will be educated to become a certified massage therapist and intuitive healer.  We strive to encompass all aspects of massage therapy to each student.  Students will be given introduction to many complimentary modalities, allowing for growth into a more specialized practice based on the students interests and strengths.  Continuing education can then be completed in the areas of interest to the individual, bringing a more specialized practice to each client base.   


The course hours will follow the state guidelines. The areas of study are:


-Instructor supervised massage and bodywork, along with theory and application instruction.  

-Instruction on the body systems (anatomy, physiology and kinesiology)


-Instruction in areas of related fields. 

-Business and ethics.


Of the total hours, 750 will be in class hours, including clinical hours.


As an instructor and practitioner, I share a deep passion for the healing arts and a strong desire to share in a wealth of information.  

Enrollment Application
How did you hear about us?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
Are you currently under the care of a physician, holistic or otherwise?
Have you ever had psychiatric care?
Please list any diagnosed or un-diagnosed learning challenges:
Please list any diagnosis or undiagnosed psychological concerns:
Are you currently on any medications?
Are you currently pregnant or nursing?
How would you rate your overall stress level?
Session I am applying for:
Campus I am applying to:
I have completed high school or equivalent
Select an option
Upload Photo ID
Upload supported file (Max 15MB)
Upload Letter of Recommendation
Upload supported file (Max 15MB)
Upload Letter of Recommendation
Upload supported file (Max 15MB)

* Transcripts will not be released to the Montana State Board of Massage Therapy (or other) for licensing until tuition has been paid in full. 


*Each individual will receive a payment contract upon enrollment and receipt of deposit, detailing the specifics of the individuals payment plan based on the chosen payment option. 


*Deposit is due upon enrollment acceptance to ensure your place in class.


* If you are unable to upload your personal character letters and photo ID, please email them to:

Thank you! We’ll be in touch.

Massage School of Montana Distance Learning

Holistic Based Massage Education.

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